What's new since you were here last
Date: 29 December 2023
- Richard Percy graciously transferred his website to Chris & David Coscia, who are the new hosts.
- The website has been renamed "The Espee Archive"
- As the new hosts of this detailed website, we will continue to add to this fine, online source of information about the Southern Pacific Railroad Company that Richard created. We welcome your input.
- The Espee Archive will be a source for SP fans, historians, archivists, and modelers. However the website will not update nor revise any modeling pages at this time.
- There are many SP modeling & blog sites.
- Email group - espee@groups.io
- Historical Societies: the Southern Pacific Historical & Technical Society and the Southern Pacific History Center
- Social Media - There are many sites with a focus on prototypical railroad models
- Website - utilize your favorite browser to locate blogs and websites for model railroad layouts and model railroad manufacturers about the former Southern Pacific