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EMD Loco Wheelbase and Coupled Length

Note: these are the Prototype dimensions, model dimensions may vary

Additions welcome. Other List Subjects also solicited.

This is a general list of EMD Locomotives, their wheel base and coupled length.

I compiled this list approx. 12 years ago, so is a little out of date. Most of the wheel base dimensions are likely correct, the coupled length, is actually the dimension through the coupler mating surfaces.

The figures are taken from HO Scale Plans published in mainstream magazines, the coupled length has been used as the standard, as not all gave the pilot to pilot dimension. Treat this dimension in the table below with great caution.

As a general Rule of Thumb - you should be able to subtract approx. 4ft from the coupled length, to get the pilot to pilot measurement. Most Plans seem to indicate the coupler mating surface extending 25in from the pilot. This will likely vary on cab units with extending pilots.

I developed this list, to help in my kitbashing, even though SP had no eg. BL2's, that chassis with a 35ft wheelbase may be usable for something else.

Remember - always measure twice, and cut once...

EMD Loco Wheelbase and Coupled Length
ModelWheelbaseCoupled Length
BL2 35ft 57ft 10½ in
CF7 30ft 52ft
DD35A 55ft 88ft 2in
DD35 55ft 87ft 11in
DDA40X 65ft 98ft 5in
E2 43ft 69ft 6in
E2B 43ft 70ft
E6A 42ft 8in 69ft 1in
E6B 42ft 8in 66ft 8in
E8 43ft 70ft 3in
E9 43ft 70ft
FT 27ft 3in 47ft 6in
FTB 26ft 6in 46ft 9in
F2/F3/F5/F7/F9 30ft 52ft
F3B 30ft 50ft
FP7/9 34ft 54ft 8in
F40PH 33ft 56ft 2in
F45 41ft 8in 67ft 5½ in
FP45 45ft 72ft 4in
GP7/9/9B 31ft 56ft 2in
GP15-1 29ft 9in 54ft 11in
GP18/20 31ft 56ft 2in
GP28/35 32ft 56ft 2in
GP38/39/40 34ft 59ft 2in
GP38-2/39-2/GP40-2/GP50 34ft 59ft 2in
GP40X 35ft 60ft 2in
GP40P/GP40P-2 37ft 3in 62ft 5in
GP59/60 35ft 1in 59ft 9in
MP15DC 24ft 2in 48ft 8in
MP15AC 24ft 8in 50ft 2in
NW2/SW7/SW9/SW1200 22ft 44ft 5in
NW5 31ft 55ft 2in
SD7/9/18/24/24B/35/35X/SDP35 35ft 60ft 8½ in
SD38/39/40/SDP40 40ft 65ft 8in
SD38-2/39-2/40-2/40X/45-2/50S 43ft 6in 68ft 10in
SDP40F 46ft 72ft 4in
SD40T-2/SD45X/45T-2 45ft 5in 70ft 8in
SD45 40ft 65ft 9½ in
SD50/60 45ft 7½ in 71ft 2in
SW1500 22ft 44ft 8in
TR5A/B 22ft 42ft 5½ in
I shall bring this Table up to date ASAP

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website logo for use in banner exchange [185 x 50] (5k) This document prepared and maintained by Richard.A.Percy.
All Corrections, Additions and Flames should be aimed at Richard Percy
This document © 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008. Richard.A.Percy

Thursday, January 01, 1998 00:00:00 AM