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Metallic Paint Mixes

If you haven't already discovered them, Model Master paints has a range called 'Metalizer'. These come pre-mixed for spraying, and are available in a range of colors. They are Lacquer based, so Floquil Diosol or Automotive Lacquer Thinner can be used for cleanup. I don't use their Metalizer Sealer, not having had much luck with it, preferring to stick with Floquil Crystal-Cote as a Gloss sealer and finish for decals.

A popular finish for corrugated iron was Galvanizing. Corrugated Iron sheeting has become less common (at least in Australia) for a building material, and has been displaced by metal sheets of similar shape to the stuff in Pikestuff Kits. Galvanizing has also been displaced by other coating methods, not sure of the process, but we know it generically as 'Colourbond' though this is probably a Trademark. So, a mix that was given to me to replicate Galvanized Iron, and severely oxidised metal sheeting is:

  • Galvanized Iron
    • 50 percent Floquil SP Lettering Grey #130
    • 50 percent Floquil Old Silver #100

The color can be varied by using Floquil Bright Silver #101 instead, I have used both mixes with great success, to vary the panel colors on Walther's and Schaeffer Autorack kits.

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Thursday, January 01, 1998 00:00:00 AM