California's Railroad to the U.S. 1861 - 1996

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Disclaimer: This is a private Mailing List Owned and Maintained by 'Rob Sarberenyi' and 'Richard Percy', and is not Associated with, Affiliated to, or Endorsed by 'The Southern Pacific Technical & Historical Society', or any other organisation for that matter...

Please go to the 'The Southern Pacific Technical & Historical Society' webpage, to conduct all Official business.

Union Pacific topics of a Southern Pacific nature, or Southern Pacific topics of a Union Pacific nature... are not encouraged. Remember SP (as an entity for discussion on this list), ended in 1996.

Preservation news is always welcome.

The Espee list is a Mailing List for discussion of anything to do with the Southern Pacific Railroad and its subsidiaries, ie T&NO, Cotton Belt.
Subjects for discussion can include, but are not limited to:

  • Prototype Railroading - as it pertains to the SP and its subsidiaries,
  • Model Railroading - help and accuracy, towards building better models, and
  • New Product announcements - relating to SP subjects.


  1. For Sale, or Want Ads are allowed to be posted every Friday, these must be of an SP or subsidiary nature, or will be considered off-topic.

  2. Flame Wars - these tie up valuable server time and space, and can cost people money in larger byte charges and longer download times. If you violently disagree with something someone has said, Flame them personally, not via the list.

  3. When thinking of replying to a post, look at what you have written, sometimes it will be better if you reply to them personally. eg. I am not interested if you find someone's .sig amusing - and neither are all the other subscribers.

  4. Please also when replying to a post, keep your quoting to the absolute minimum required, some people have to pay _dearly_ to read your words of wisdom.

  5. Please keep your .sig to the recommended 4 lines or less, we do not like seeing .sig's longer than the message.

  6. Please do not send any attachments to your posts. eg. scanned images, database files or document attachments etc. If you have photo's you wish to share with other subscribers, send a request for interest in them, and then only email them to interested parties. As well, a number of us have web pages, and we will be honored to display them for you.
    • The list options have been set to delete all attachments from posts, so your attachment won't make it to list members anyway.

  7. Posts of an OS nature must be prefaced OS - but are not really encouraged because of the location and time factor - even though most subscribers are US based, geographically they are spread far and wide over the continental US. OS information is of none to little use if you aren't reasonably near the location given... This also applies to reports of wrecks.

  8. Virus Warnings - please don't email Virus Warnings to the List. These are totally off-topic, as well as generally being hoaxes in themselves. We are all on the Internet, so we will all get these thru one forum or another. Do not clutter this list with information best discussed in more appropriate places.

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There is a Digest version available, for those people that like only one email per day.

If you run into _any_ problems, either subscribing, unsubscribing, or for enquiries, email -espee-list Maintainer - and we'll try to sort your problems out for you.

Hoping to see _you_ on the new espee list.

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website logo for use in banner exchange [185 x 50] (5k) This document prepared and maintained by Richard.A.Percy.
All Corrections, Additions and Flames should be aimed at Richard Percy
This document © 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008. Richard.A.Percy

The first SP List was a group of people and used the cc function of a normal email...

First SP List at iiNet startup date: 07/27/96

Moved to OneList startup date: 02/04/99

Absorbed by eGroups startup date: ??/??/??

Absorbed by YahooGroups date: ??/??/??

this page last updated: 7/20/2003