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Southern Pacific

~ Snow Fighters ~

~ Rotary Snowplow Snails ~

SPMW 8205-8211, 8220, 8221

9 units built

8205 8206 8207 8208 8209 8210 8211 8220 8221

proto image of Snail SPMW 8207. copyright 1971, 1999 Bob Dengler

To go with their rebuilt electrically powered Rotary Snowplows, SP converted 9 vacated F7B units to provide electrical power for the Rotary Snowplow blade or wheel, and steam for heating, to keep the Rotaries functional in sub-zero weather.

Some texts say the traction motors were disabled, others say they don't have any...

Details vary between units, and I don't have enough information or photo's to really list them.
However, from photo's the number of portholes may vary, and the truck journals exhibit different configurations. Dynamic fans look to have removed, and both engine and steam generator exhausts look to have been modified.

The Rotaries and 'snails' are part of the Maintenance of Way (MOW) Roster, so carry SPMW numbers, respective snails carry the same number as their Rotary, with the prefix 8. eg, Rotary SPMW 205's snail is numbered SPMW 8205.

Snailex F7B
SPMW 8205T&NO 544
SPMW 8206T&NO 541
SPMW 8207SP 8299
SPMW 8208SP 8091
SPMW 8209SP 8103
SPMW 8210T&NO 545
SPMW 8211SP 8292
SPMW 8221SP 8300
SPMW 8222SP 8088

Most Southern Pacific Motive Power Annuals/Reviews have at least one photo of a snail.

Model F7B Snail Page

Model Rotary Snowplow Page

Rotary Snowplow Page

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website logo for use in banner exchange [185 x 50] (5k) This document prepared and maintained by Richard.A.Percy.
All Corrections, Additions and Flames should be aimed at Richard Percy
This document © 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007. Richard.A.Percy
