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Southern Pacific Caboose

Class C-50-9

bay window type

SP #4700-4774

75 units built

4700 4701 4702 4703 4704 4705 4706 4707 4708 4709
4710 4711 4712 4713 4714 4715 4716 4717 4718 4719
4720 4721 4722 4723 4724 4725 4726 4727 4728 4729
4730 4731 4732 4733 4734 4735 4736 4737 4738 4739
4740 4741 4742 4743 4744 4745 4746 4747 4748 4749
4750 4751 4752 4753 4754 4755 4756 4757 4758 4759
4760 4761 4762 4763 4764 4765 4766 4767 4768 4769
4770 4771 4772 4773 4774

see also: C-50-9 Photo Collection for more photos.

see also: C-50-9 Walkaround

see also: C-50-9 Interior Collection for interior photos

see also: 4716 photo album

see also: SP Railroad Police Caboose

The C-50-9's were the last cabooses to be delivered to the SP in 1980 from PACCAR. Visibly different to preceding classes, they have _no_ side windows at all.


  • diagonally braced smoke-jack,
  • minimal end-plate on the roof ends,
  • square cornered bay and end windows,
  • rounded corner end door windows,
  • side windows are replaced by small rectangular vents,
  • two battery box doors and axle-hung generator this side,
  • air receiver under bay, no window(s), two louvered vents high up this side,
  • full length straight sill with cut-out for the axle-hung generator,
  • delivered with:
    • single 'bug-eye' marker lights,
    • aluminum-framed windows screens,
    • mineral red with orange bay ends and end walls, those upgraded after 1980 received orange stepwells,
SP Caboose #4709 in Railroad Police paint

Tom Jones caught the only Caboose to be painted for the 1983-85 ill-fated non-merger with the ATSF... in Roseville in 1987 and here is a shot of the other side of #4726.

#4726 was also at one time painted for the SP RR Police

Microscale Decals has released a sheet #87-469 or 87-496 that has decals for the #4726 SPSF Merger scheme.

Andy Hauser has contributed a C-50-9 Athearn conversion article.

Mainline Modeler has a set of plans for the C-50-9 in the issue of September 1986 on page 22.


Steel Caboose Overview


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website logo for use in banner exchange [185 x 50] (5k) This document prepared and maintained by Richard.A.Percy.
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